Wednesday 21 March 2012

Bombalai Hill

Malaysian history need to be re-written: Malaysia does HAVE a volcano. Not only do the people of Tawau not know that Sabah has a volcano but Malaysian citizen also did not know that Malaysia (Sabah) has a volcano. No one care or take interest of Bombalai Hill. The reason maybe because the volcano had never erupted in our modern times. And perhaps because there’s no awareness about the importance of knowledge, Malaysian citizen don’t seem to care to learn the history and geography of Bombalai Hill.
What is Bombalai Hill? Bombalai Hill is an extinct volcano. 27.000 years ago it erupted. The presence of Bombalai Hill volcano explains the existence of hot spring in Tawau (the other is Poring, Ranau). Whether Hill Bombalai is an extinct or dormant volcano, we will never know until in-depth study is conducted about Bombalai Hill. Volcano can lain dormant for hundreds, even thousands of years before roaring into life. Mount Pinatubo in Philippines is one example. After 500 years of inactivity, Pinatubo exploded violently in June 1991 and created the second largest eruption of the 20th century.
Sabah is located outside the Pacific Ring of Fire and Bombalai Hill maybe powered by hotspot just like ICELAND and Hawaii. An interesting fact (if not terrifying) that Sabah has a volcano. The existence of a volcano in Malaysia is a fact. Bombalai Hill is a volcano in Malaysia. Also, Ranau has no volcano, but the existence of a hot spring showed that there was volcanic magma in Ranau. Malaysian geography needs to be explored and Malaysian history should be re-written.